Our Kimchi Zing Probiotic Brine dances on your tongue & pirouettes all the way down your G.I tract where our bacterial buddies finally take up temporary residence in your beautiful gut garden. Every-time you wish to dress a salad, think ‘ZING’ - it adds so much life to your salad dressing. Gently shake the bottle to lift the rich, flavour-filled sediment from the bottom & create your very own LIVE-CULTURED HOUSE DRESSING using our recipe (see below).

Everything you dress becomes a delicious probiotic salad. This could include Quinoa Salads, Rice Salads, Leafy Green Salads, Pasta Salads, Roast Veg Salads etc etc.
Perfect for KIDS who are not at all impressed with eating CULTURED VEGGIES or BEET KVASS. You can colonize their gut (in secret), shhhhh. Very soon even the most resistant little or big kid will become more curious about what those funky ferments are in your fridge. It’s the (secret) seeding of the gut which eventually informs our palate to desire these foods.

The depth of flavour is like nothing else you could make your dressing from. The nutrition is totally off the charts, so rich in bio-available minerals & valuable enzymes.

It is called ZING for a reason - the lactic acid component gives us the ‘high-notes’ - bringing whatever you have dressed, to life!!

BEAUTIFUL to serve a splash onto your greens, wilted spinach & serve alongside your proteins, such as eggs, tempeh, fish, beans etc

Or divine as the acidity that cuts through fats such as avocado, cheese (plant-based or dairy).

CAUTION: this could put a little ZING in your life!

Recipe: Kimchi Zing Probiotic Dressing

  • Mix 125mls (1/2 cup) Kimchi Zing! Probiotic Brine with 250mls (1 cup) olive oil

  • 1/2 lime squeezed (whole lime if not very juicy)

  • Few drops of sesame oil (optional)

  • 1 heaped teaspoon of honey or any sweetener of choice.

  • Shake ingredients vigorously in jar until sweetener has dissolved.

Kimchi Zing brine, absolutely takes your Salads to the NEXT LEVEL. It can also be sprinkled over Rice or Quinoa Salads or a divine Roast Veg Salad........anywhere you want a BOOST OF FLAVOUR.

Using the KIMCHI BRINE STRAIGHT is also wonderful for marinating any proteins (tempeh, tofu or meats) before pan frying.
Don't be shy to cook with the ZING BRINE ~ but bear in mind that you will destroy the probiotics & enzymes.
When using ZING BRINE as a dressing, marinade or SHOT, you will deliver billions of LIVE beneficial microbes straight to your beautiful gut garden!
